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Monday, May 3, 2010

Another cheap shot at the Postal Service

So this "investigative" reporter in Colorado decides that letter carriers with suspended licenses would be a great topic for an undercover investigation. He in essence tells us that the Postal Service is assigning drivers to drive letter carriers around who have lost their licenses for DUI. Of course his thesis is all about waste. You can read his story here.

You would think a story about Postal Service waste would include a t least a passing reference to the 80 billion dollars the Service overpaid into the Civil Service Retirement System. But no, apparently taking shots at the workers makes for better ratings.

As someone who worked for the Service for 15 years, I can tell you that as with all large organizations, there are good and bad employees. I was fortunate to work in a facility where there were lots of dedicated employees who cared about there jobs and about the organization in which they served. Of course there were some bad employees, but I challenge you to find an organization with 600,000 employees and no employees with issues.

I also challenge the reporter who wrote that piece to take a look at the Service's upper management. I think he would have a few things to say about the way the service does its business.

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