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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Winter's end

So... here we are on the verge of another Spring/ Summer. The Red Sox are in training camp, flowers are beginning to bloom, and the street sweepers are making their first rounds to clean up all the sand and salt from the snow (although admittedly, they have an easier task this year).

For me, it's a melancholy time of year. I know many of you will read this and go away thinking I'm out of whatever mind God gave me. But I'm a winter person thorugh and theough. I love the cold and the dark. And the snow? Can't get enough of it.

But, this winter (2011-2012) left a lot to be desired. We had one storm in October. I think we had one more storm after that in which we got a whopping 4". Other than that, nada. Zip. Zilch. We didn't even come close to the 60" or so we average each year.

But no matter. Now that Spring is upon us, we can look forward to at least 6 months of long days, mosquitoes, humidity, and let's see... Oh yeah... the occasional thunderstorm. Not to mention that by the middle of July, there is absolutely nothing going on until Labor Day.

Let's face the facts: the fall and the winter rock! When the NFL begins traiing camp, my whole attitude turns around because I know it won't be long before we're turning up the heat, watching the game every Sunday, and getting ready for Thanksgivng and Christmas.

It's at this time of the year that I am at my best. Everything is more fun, and I am looking forward to putting up the tree and watching Christmas movies and shows.

In my mind, I'd rather have it cold and snowy and have a lot to do , than be swatting mosquitoes and sweating.

Wouldn't you?

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